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GraphRAG is a structured, hierarchical approach to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), as opposed to naive semantic-search approaches using plain text snippets. The GraphRAG process involves extracting a knowledge graph out of raw text, building a community hierarchy, generating summaries for these communities, and then leveraging these structures when perform RAG-based tasks.

GraphRAG Tutorial


Postgres with GPU's for ML/AI Apps

  • Index, filter & rank vectors
  • Create embeddings
  • Generate real-time, fact-based outputs

Why ?

  • OpenSource
  • Listen to the Founder
  • 32 Minutes Video
  • Highly recommend viewing it

Youtube Video : Simplify End-To-End MLOps with PostgresML - Montana Low, PostgresML

PostgresML Website PostgresML Website

Training Collatral

Presentation Material for Aug 27,2024

PostGresML - GraphRAG